It is often easy to classify call girls and escorts as prostitutes. The truth is that all these three are different from each other. Today, you can get an escort or even a call girl with ease because all you need to do is have access to the internet.
A prostitute is often someone you approach with the intention that he/she fulfills sexual services in exchange for money. These are some of the few places you can find a prostitute in Nairobi:
Some of the sex workers can be aggressive especially the ones along Luthuli Avenue. They have reportedly harassed people along Luthuli and even robbed some of them. Prostitutes in the said areas charge anywhere from 200 shillings ($2) to 1000 shillings ($10). Prostitution exists in Kenya, but Nairobi does not want anything to do with it.
While prostitutes are found on the streets or in brothels, call girls avail themselves only after you contact her from an ad you came across. Call girls can nowadays be found online easily through websites like Nairobi Hot and Nairobi Raha. You can also get call girls through social media sites like Facebook or Telegram through hookups. However, there is a possibility that you can get conned on some of the platforms. Call girls charge more than prostitutes. Typically, from 1500 shillings ($15) up to 20,000 ($200). Even cheap call girls hardly go below 1500 shillings. High end call girls can exceed these figures though, so you need to remember to ask about the charges. Just like prostitutes, the terms of engagement for call girls are sexual as well.
An escort is intended to be more of a companion that you pay for his/her time with you. The nature of the relationship doesn’t have to be sexual. However, since the decision is between two consenting adults, they get to choose the terms. If you’re looking for an escort in Nairobi, you are likely to find many on the numerous escort websites in Kenya. You shouldn’t be too surprised if you end up with a call girl instead of an escort because most of the girls work independently and might not know the differences.
High end escort agencies in Nairobi can be found in classy neighborhoods such as Lavington, Hurlingham, and Kileleshwa. The escort agencies also offer premium packages known as “home service” where they link you with a girl of your choice. Escorts are the priciest of the three. Their rates are usually on hourly basis and can thus range from 5,000 shillings ($50) per hour to hundreds of thousands (+$1,000). The average range depends on the escort agency and the escorts themselves.
These are pre-selected escorts for high-end and influential clients. Courtesans are exclusive and get paid huge sums of money for offering their services to their clients. They are full-time escorts that cater to the needs of their clients at any time. Most people in Kenya would relate this to the sponsor culture (sugar daddy culture).
The law affects prostitutes more than escorts and courtesans combined. Even though call girls are not too different from prostitutes, they operate in the same way that escorts do. This makes it difficult to differentiate escorts from call girls. Escorts and courtesans are classier and more professional than both prostitutes and call girls. Since the payment made to escorts and courtesans is for companionship and not necessarily for sex, it is considered legal.
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